Wisdom teeth extraction is available at Quality Family Dentistry in Timonium and the surrounding area. Most patients who need wisdom teeth extraction are in the stages of young adulthood. Call us today at (410) 705-6015 to learn more and schedule an appointment.
"Wisdom teeth" is the colloquial term for the third set of molars that sit in the back of the mouth. They are called such because they come between the more "mature" ages of 17 and 21. The emergence of wisdom teeth can be uncomfortable, even if they are emerging correctly. Wisdom teeth do not always necessitate extraction. On the contrary, properly aligned wisdom teeth may assist in chewing.
However, if there is no adequate space for the wisdom teeth to emerge or if the teeth are coming through in the wrong position, they may become impacted (or trapped in the jaw or under the gums). This may cause cysts, damage to neighboring teeth, gum disease, infection, pain, tooth, decay, and tumors. A dentist needs to monitor the patient’s wisdom teeth and determine the best course of action.
Wisdom teeth extraction is commonly performed and generally safe when carried out by qualified doctors. However, like any other surgery, it does carry a small risk of complications. These include bleeding, dry socket, and infection. Our team will do everything we can to minimize these risks even further. However, patients should contact our office immediately if they find themselves experiencing any of the following symptoms after their extraction:
Most potential complications following wisdom teeth extraction are easily treatable when reported to the doctor.
The first step to wisdom teeth extraction begins with an initial consultation. During this time, patients should be open and honest with their doctor about their entire medical history. This includes but is not limited to sharing any health problems they may have, any medications and supplements they may take regularly, and any lifestyle choices that may influence the success of the surgery. The consultation is also a good time for patients to assuage their anxieties by asking any questions about the procedure.
Generally, wisdom teeth extraction begins with the doctor injecting the patient with a local anesthetic to numb them to the pain of the procedure. The doctor will then cut into the gum tissue to expose the tooth and bone, making sure to remove any bone blocking access to the tooth root. Depending on how severely impacted the tooth is, the tooth may be divided into sections to be removed little by little.
After extracting the tooth, the doctor will clean the extraction site of any debris. Afterward, the wound may or may not need stitches, and the doctor will pack gauze over the extraction site to control bleeding and to aid in the formation of a blood clot.
Patients should expect to rest for the remainder of the day following their wisdom teeth extraction. Though regular activities can be resumed as soon as the day after, patients should refrain from any strenuous activity for at least a week following their procedure. Otherwise, they run the risk of overexertion and dislodging the blood clot. Our team will provide patients with a customized recovery plan for their specific procedures.
Complications following wisdom teeth extraction are rare as long as patients follow this plan. However, patients should contact us immediately if they are experiencing any of the following:
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Anesthesia is a substance that medical professionals administer in various forms (gas, injection or pill) that helps patients not feel pain or sensations during surgical operations.
Asymptomatic wisdom teeth are wisdom teeth that show no symptoms of irritation, inflammation or overcrowding the mouth that deem extraction.
Cosmetic dentistry is generally used to refer to any dental work that improves the appearance (though not necessarily the function) of a person’s teeth, gums and/or bite.
Cysts are fluid-filled sacs that can also contain gas or puss and can occur anywhere on the body, even in or around the mouth/teeth.
A dental checkup is an appointment that involves cleaning the teeth, identifying any signs of infection and removing said signs of infection at least once every six months in the office.
A dental prophylaxis is a professional and detailed cleaning that involves the removal of plaque, calculus and stains from the teeth.
A dentist, also known as a dental surgeon, is a doctor who specializes in the diagnosis, prevention, and treatment of diseases and conditions of the oral cavity.
A dry socket can occur after pulling a tooth out and seeing white bone in said socket. Other symptoms of dry socket include bad breath and an unpleasant taste in the mouth.
Oral surgery is a type of surgery that focuses on the mouth, jaw, gums or teeth. Oral surgery can repair, enhance or correct multiple issues in the mouth.
Pericoronitis refers to the inflammation of the soft tissue surrounding the crown of a partially-erupted tooth.
Preventive dentistry is the dentistry that focuses on maintaining oral health in order to prevent the spread of plaque, the formation of tartar and infections in the mouth.
The third molars are also known as the wisdom teeth and typically require removal in order to prevent pain and other issues in the mouth.
A vacuum formed mouthguard involves customizing the mouthguard to match a mold of the individual patient’s teeth for a perfect fit.
Wisdom teeth impaction occurs when the wisdom teeth are under the gums enough that an individual cannot reach them with a toothbrush.
Our dental crown options in Timonium give patients choices for tooth restoration. If you have concerns about your teeth, call us today at (410) 705-6015 to schedule a consultation regarding any questions you have about our dental crown services.
A. This varies from person to person and the type of anesthesia used. Some patients who were only under a local anesthetic may feel alert enough to drive back home after their procedure, while some may not. However, those who have undergone general anesthesia will need to make arrangements for someone to drive them to and from the operation.
A. You should expect some pain and discomfort following the procedure. However, this is generally manageable through administering ice packs and taking over-the-counter pain relievers. The dentist may prescribe you antibiotics, depending on the severity of your procedure.
A. You may not have much of an appetite after getting your wisdom teeth extracted. Still, it is essential to stay hydrated and eat well. Since you do not want to dislodge your blood clot or stitches, stick to soft, low- or no-chew foods for the first few days. Refrain from eating anything hot or hard. Do not drink from a straw or slurp too vigorously from a spoon.
A. Wisdom teeth can be extracted at any age, depending on the severity and type of impaction. However, complications are less likely in younger adults.
A. You should exercise caution to avoid dislodging your blood clot or stitches for the first week. This means avoiding smoking, spitting, drinking from a straw, or anything else that might disrupt your healing.
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